=head1 NAME rrdrados - Creating, updating and retrieving RRD files from Ceph =head1 SYNOPSIS ErrdfileE = BnameE> =head1 DESCRIPTION This module adds support for creating, updating and retrieving RRD files directly from a Ceph cluster using librados. It adds a ceph// prefix to RRD file name which is used to instruct rrdtool to operate on a file that is stored in Ceph. Currently the module expects to find the Ceph configuration file in the default location at /etc/ceph/ceph.conf. By default it uses Ceph client ID "admin" and a Ceph pool named "rrd". =head1 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES =over 4 =item B Sets the Ceph Client ID to use when connecting. By default the client ID "admin" is used. =item B Sets the name of the Ceph Pool to connect to. By default, the pool "rrd" is used. =back =head1 EXAMPLES B rrdtool create ceph//temperature.rrd --step 300 \ DS:temp:GAUGE:600:-273:5000 \ RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 \ RRA:MIN:0.5:12:2400 \ RRA:MAX:0.5:12:2400 \ RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:2400 B rrdtool dump existing.rrd | rrdtool restore - ceph//new.rrd Or you could also copy the RRD file directly into Ceph using the rados command line utility. B rrdtool fetch ceph//file.rrd AVERAGE =head1 AUTHOR Simon Boulet Esimon@nostalgeek.comE